Submission to WCC to include the provision of much needed sports facilities in the Local Plan

I speak on behalf of Sport Winchester; which represents the interests of sports clubs and organisations across the city - to deliver the best possible sporting facilities for the city, now and in the future.

We believe the Local Plan needs to include clearly defined objectives and delivery commitments for the future provision of sport. The City has not allocated any new land area to the provision of sport for 50+ years, even though the city has grown considerably in this time and participation across all demographics is at record levels.

Historically, a key block to additional sporting facilities has been the shortage of available land. This Local Plan has identified and allocated some of the biggest parcels of land for housing and economic development this century, and with this exists the opportunity to specifically allocate a sensible proportion to community sporting and recreational use.

The Open Space Assessment of 2022 identifies a current shortfall of sports ground facilities across central Winchester, at over 18 hectares. By 2040 Sport Winchester believes a more realistic assessment of direct needs is between 35 to 40 hectares.

Our significant concern is that the Local Plan currently does not identify or allocate land space from within the development zones to address any of this shortfall – a fundamental issue that does not follow the guidelines of NPPF C96. Some wards no longer have any free land left that can be utilised for any sport facilities; consequently, we urge the Council to allocate the necessary land area to compensate for this, from land becoming available within the Local Plan.

We believe some of the proposed developments within the Local Plan would in fact reduce the current space utilised for sport – in direct contrast to C97 of the NPPF.

Example: W2: The Sir John Moore Barracks site; currently has multiple pitches, a Muga, three gyms, two sports halls and a swimming pool. Some of these facilities are already currently being used by the Winchester community, and the loss of any of these valuable resources would diminish the available sports resources. Sport Winchester recommend these facilities are included within the Local Plan and Open Space Assessment, to retain these valuable resources for use within the city. The lack of facilities within Barton Farm could be addressed by including this here, within the Local Plan.

Other potential opportunities include:

Bushfield Camp. – Its promoted sports Hub potentially a second major sports ground for Winchester. It’s non-residential location makes it suitable for a significant all weather pitch sport complex, with good car parking and public access.

Bar End Depot site – the ideal location for joint Highcliffe community centre and fully equipped boxing centre - all of which is much needed in this area.

We believe the Local Plan must make anticipatory provision for adequate land allocation for sporting resource based on planned population growth and existing shortfall, and ahead of the updated Playing Pitch Strategy Plan due later in 2025. We believe all would benefit from the delivery of high quality inspirational facilities that meet community needs; maximising participation at all levels, from junior beginner to elite athlete level – and inclusive of all disability and community groups of all ages.

These commitments should be specified and included within the Local Plan to ensure delivery, and we believe the Council can and should include the strategic vision and requirements necessary to achieve this.

Thank you.


Shortfall in sporting facilities identified in local plan submission


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